Chicken Casserole Recipe Postcard by gramabarb
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When I learned that 4 of my recipes travelled to Vancouver, I wondered what will I feature about Vancouver?
When I examined the list of things to see and do in Vancouver everything had one thing in common. Vancouver is GREEN!
Vancouver has about 200 city parks and by visiting each one you will see they highlight different aspects of Green Vancouver from Community Vegetable Gardens to Tree Walks where you can learn the identity of the wide variety of trees in Vancouver. Nearly every park has an abundance of physical fitness activity for every age.
This in my photograph taken in 2011.
The Mayor of Vancouver has had an action plan to be the Greenest City in the World. So the Vancouver Sun asked the question "How green is Vancouver now?" on Feb. 21, 2014
A sample of the Vancouver Parks:
Great Walks of Vancouver: Metro Vancouver Plus Squamish to Whistler
Parks and Nature Places Around Vancouver
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